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Англо-русский словарь - offer


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resistance оказывать сопротивление;
 1. noun
 1) предложение; to keep ones offer open - оставить свое предложение в силе
 2) предложение цены
 3) попытка (goods) on offer - в продаже
 2. v.
 1) предлагать; выражать готовность; to offer a free pardon - обещать полное прощение; to offer no other prospect than - не сулить ничего иного кроме; - offer hand - offer an opinion - offer an apology - offer hope - offer prospects of - offer battle
 2) пытаться; пробовать; - offer resistance - offer to strike
 3) выдвигать, предлагать вниманию
 4) случаться, являться; as chance/opportunity/occasion offers - при случае; to take the first opportunity that offers - воспользоваться первой же представившейся возможностью
 5) предлагать для продажи по определенной цене; предлагать определенную цену
 6) приносить (жертву; особ. offer up); возносить (молитвы); - offer prayers Syn: bid, present, proffer, propose, tender, volunteer Ant: forswear, reject withhold
OFFER an apology извиняться;
OFFER an opinion выразить мнение;
OFFER battle дать бой
OFFER excuses оправдываться
OFFER hand
 а) протянуть руку;
 б) сделать предложение;
OFFER hope внушать надежду;
OFFER prayers молиться
OFFER prospects of сулить, обещать (что-л.)
OFFER to strike пытаться ударить
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См. в других словарях

  1. предложение an offer of support —- предложение поддержки an offer to help —- предложение помочь an offer for sale —- объявление о продаже (чего-л.) a job offer —- предложение о найме to make an offer —- сделать предложение will you keep the offer open? —- ваше предложение остается в силе? I'm open to an offer —- я готов рассмотреть предложение 2. брачное предложение 3. эк. предложение (товара, ценных бумаг, займа и т. п.) counter offer —- встречное предложение, контроферта 4. предложение цены, предлагаемая цена (на аукционе, торгах и т. п.) they made an offer of $500 for the cottage —- за домик предлагают 500 долларов 5. продажа (goods) on offer —- в продаже (имеются)... "on offer this week", "this week's special offer" —- "в продаже только на этой неделе" (объявление) 6. попытка he made an offer to catch the ball —- он попытался схватить мяч 7. предлагать to offer assistance —- предлагать помощь he offered me ahis car for a week —- он предложил мне свой автомобиль на неделю 8. выдвигать, предлагать вниманию to offer smth. for consideration —- предлагать что-л. для рассмотрения to offer a plan —- выдвигать план 9. выражать; оказывать; предлагать to offer an apology —- приносить извинения to offer advice —- давать совет to offer homage —- проявлять почтение to offer opinion —- выражать мнение to offer a free pardon —- обещать полное прощение to offer worship to...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. предложение (сделать что-л. или дать что-л.) job offer — предложение работы offer of marriage — предложение выйти замуж 2) юр., торг. оферта, предложение (стадия заключения коммерческого договора: адресованное одному или нескольким конкретным лицам предложение (напр., купить или продать по определенной цене), которое достаточно определенно и выражает намерение лица, сделавшего предложение, считать себя заключившим договор с адресатом, которым будет принято предложение) See: "commercial contract, acceptance 3) эк., торг. предложение цены (покупателем) to make an offer for a company — предложить цену за компанию They made an offer for the house but we refused it. — Они предложили цену за дом, но мы не приняли ее. 4) торг. скидка; специальное предложение (товара по сниженной цене) this week’s special offer — скидка специальное предложение этой недели 5) эк., бирж. = "offer price 6) торг. предложение купить, торговое предложение, предложение на продажу on offer — для продажи a magazine subscription offer of 12 issues for $9.95 — предложение подписаться на 12 номеров за 9,95 долл. All advertising sales messages are offers. — Все рекламные сообщения представляют собой торговые предложения предложения купить товар. 7) страх. заявка на страхование*...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) попытка 2) предлагать 3) предложение 4) пытаться offer resistance to — оказывать сопротивление ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. present for acceptance or refusal or consideration (offered me a drink; was offered a lift; offer one's services; offer no apology). 2 intr. (foll. by to + infin.) express readiness or show intention (offered to take the children). 3 tr. provide; give an opportunity for. 4 tr. make available for sale. 5 tr. (of a thing) present to one's attention or consideration (each day offers new opportunities). 6 tr. present (a sacrifice, prayer, etc.) to a deity. 7 intr. present itself; occur (as opportunity offers). 8 tr. give an opportunity for (battle) to an enemy. 9 tr. attempt, or try to show (violence, resistance, etc.). --n. 1 an expression of readiness to do or give if desired, or to buy or sell (for a certain amount). 2 an amount offered. 3 a proposal (esp. of marriage). 4 a bid. Phrases and idioms on offer for sale at a certain (esp. reduced) price. Derivatives offerer n. offeror n. Etymology: OE offrian in religious sense, f. L offerre (as OB-, ferre bring) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English offren, in sense 1, from Old English offrian, from Late Latin ~re, from Latin, to present, tender, from ob- toward + ferre to carry; in other senses, from Anglo-French offrir, from Latin ~re — more at bear  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to present as an act of worship or devotion ; sacrifice  b. to utter (as a prayer) in devotion  2.  a. to present for acceptance or rejection ; tender was ~ed a job  b. to present in order to satisfy a requirement candidates for degrees may ~ French as one of their foreign languages  3.  a. propose, suggest ~ a solution to a problem  b. to declare one's readiness or willingness ~ed to help me  4.  a. to try or begin to exert ; put up ~ed stubborn resistance  b. threaten ~ed to strike him with his cane  5. to make available ; afford; especially to place (merchandise) on sale  6. to present in performance or exhibition  7. to propose as payment ; bid  intransitive verb  1. to present something as an act of worship or devotion ; sacrifice  2. archaic to make an attempt  3. to present itself  4. to make a proposal (as of marriage)  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a presenting of something for acceptance considering job ~s from several firms an ~ of marriage  b. an undertaking to do an act or give something on condition that the party to whom the proposal is made do some specified act or make a return promise  2. obsolete ~ing  3. a price named by one proposing to buy ; bid  4.  a. attempt, try  b. an action or movement indicating a purpose or intention ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (offers, offering, offered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you offer something to someone, you ask them if they would like to have it or use it. He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan... The number of companies offering them work increased... Western governments have offered aid. VERB: V n to n, V n n, V n 2. If you offer to do something, you say that you are willing to do it. Peter offered to teach them water-skiing... ‘Can I get you a drink,’ she offered. VERB: V to-inf, V with quote 3. An offer is something that someone says they will give you or do for you. The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position... ‘I ought to reconsider her offer to move in,’ he mused... He had refused several excellent job offers. N-COUNT 4. If you offer someone information, advice, or praise, you give it to them, usually because you feel that they need it or deserve it. They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions... They are offered very little counselling or support. VERB: V n, V n n, also V n to n 5. If you offer someone something such as love or friendship, you show them that you feel that way towards them. The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people... It must be better to be able to offer them love and security... John’s mother and sister rallied round offering comfort. VERB: V n to n, V n n, V n 6. If people offer prayers, praise, or a sacrifice to God or a god, they speak to or give something to their god. Church leaders offered prayers and condemned the bloodshed... He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess. VERB: V n, V n to n, also V n n • Offer up means the same as offer. He should consider offering up a prayer to St Lambert. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 7. If an organization offers something such as a service or product, it provides it. We have been...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to say that you are willing to give someone something, or to hold something out to them so that they can take it  (offer sb sth)  (You haven't offered Grandma any ice cream. | They offered him a very good job but he turned it down. | offer sth to sb)  (Offer some coffee to the guests.) 2 to say that you are willing to pay a particular amount of money  (offer (sb) sth for)  (They've offered us -75,000 for the house. | The police are offering a reward for any information.) 3 to say that you are willing to do something  (I don't need any help, but it was nice of you to offer. | offer to do sth)  (My dad has offered to pick us up. | Shelly didn't even offer to help.) 4 to provide something that people need or want  (He offered no explanation for his actions. | offer sth to sb)  (Senator Joseph's speech will have offered little comfort to bankrupt businessmen. | have sth to offer (to sb))  (Edinburgh has a great deal to offer to visitors in the way of entertainment.) 5 offer (up) a prayer/sacrifice etc to pray to God or give something to God 6 offer itself formal if an opportunity offers itself, it happens for you  (I shall be ready to raise the matter with him when a suitable occasion offers itself.) 7 offer your hand to sb to hold out your hand in order to shake hands with someone ~2 n 1 a statement that you are willing to give someone something or do something for them + of  (an offer of assistance) offer to do sth  (an offer to help | turn down/refuse/decline an offer (=say no to an offer))  (He turned down the offer of a free trip to Milan.) 2 an amount of money that you are willing to pay for something  (make (sb) an offer (for))  (I'm prepared to make you a generous offer for the house. | accept an offer)  (They've accepted our offer of -50,000. | be open to offers (=be ready to consider people's offers))  (We're asking -2500, but we're open to offers.) 3 a reduction of the price of something in a shop for a short time  (special offer)  (They have a special offer on this week - buy two, get one...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  farm. abbr. Organic Food And Farming Education And Research ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. ofrian, from L. offerre "to present, bestow, bring before" (in L.L. "to present in worship"), from ob "to" + ferre "bring, carry." Non-religious sense reinforced by O.Fr. offrir, from L. offerre. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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